Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I don't believe this. I mean, I refuse to.

Someone's getting on my nerves, and... to tell the truth, that person didn't do anything to me. But it's the things that person does to himself and others that I'm pissed off at.

May I ask why? Why are you like this?

Why is it so hard for you to try as hard as we do? It's just a simple thing to do and you have to cheat in order to make yourself happy. What is wrong with you?

We've clicked our hearts out in order for us to get our high scores. And I dare say we were also annoyed when we didn't get good marks. And I also dare say we've never even thought of cheating. But you. I don't know what it is wrong with you that made you do it.

Is it because you wanna be number one in the list of players? If that is so, shouldn't you get to that position by using your own POTENTIAL? Why cheat? Do you feel glamorous being on the top spot but everyone knows that you're actually cheating?

Or is it because you wanna show off your ability to cheat? If that is so, I suggest you go somewhere else and cheat. It freaking annoys me to see your name on top of the list knowing that you didn't do much to earn it.

What is it that lead you to do this? I'm freaking curious. And damn pissed off as well... ==

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