Sunday, August 29, 2010


Okay, so there's this one thing that I seriously don't get: "What the heck is wrong with Antis?"

I was browsing through some performances from Girls' Generation on Youtube, and I saw this video that says, "[Anti SNSD] - Gee". (Check out the video here.) Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on it. The content was talking about how Girls' Generation were recycling their dance moves and how they suck and everything, and after watching the video I was like, "Er, why is it that you pay more attention to them than us fans? You seem to notice stuff that we fans don't even notice..." (Oh yea, and check this out.)

And then it got me thinking, what is wrong with those stupid antis... It's like, they spend so much of their time finding mistakes in their anti targets, and it got me wondering their purpose for doing so. Why waste time doing such silly things? ==

I don't personally anti any artists, the most I go is, "Okay, I don't like him/her." I will not spend most of my time picking up on their mistakes and make a big issue out of it. Come on, we're all human! It's okay to make mistakes! ==

If you antis like to pick on people's mistakes, does that mean you can dance/sing/perform better than them?

One word, in conclusion: JEALOUSY!!!

And also one thing. Why do people keep saying how Girls' Generation have gone through plastic surgery? Are they really that blind to see that they haven't changed much? So let's say you're thirteen years old, and I sent you to SM Entertainment for INTENSIVE TRAINING. Do you think you wouldn't be stressed? You wouldn't get tired? You wouldn't get mentally or emotionally injured? These stress can manipulate one's genes (I think I studied this before in Bio. If it isn't true, then forgive me. =P) and causes one to change a little bit.

Well, ask yourself. If they really had time to go for plastic surgery, then why do they only do it on their faces? Why not make their breasts and/or butts bigger? Why not just transform themselves to the "perfect" girls? Why only the face? ==

Well, it's just my personal thoughts... Until I get confirmation from the girls themselves that they have undergone plastic surgery, I will not believe it. :)

Let's be fair, people. Stop hurting people with your silly assumptions. ==

Besides, there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery. It's their money, not yours. So why stress so much about it? ==

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