Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What if?

Hey, it's my sixth consecutive day of blogging... =3

Really hope this can go on forever... Lol... =P


Alright back to something more serious...

Have you people ever wondered why you forgive somebody's mistakes? Is it because you understand the fact that everybody makes mistakes? Or is it because you are just plain forgiving? Could it be because you think by forgiving others people will forgive you easier when you do something wrong in the future?

Ladies and gentlemen (Switching to English Oral presentation mode... LOL), my topic today is "Forgiveness". Good evening to all my readers, and to those who are reading this in the morning, Good morning to you, and for those who are reading this in the afternoon, a pleasant afternoon to you as well...

To tell the truth, I am not really a forgiving person. The fact that I am being hurt by people who I care a lot about or people who I trust so much is an unforgiving thing to do, IMO. Nothing hurts more than to be hurt by the people that you adore, trust and believe in, right? It sucks even more when that person/group of people doesn't/don't even care about what you feel.

Ever since little, I have been betrayed, hated and hurt again and again. And so the "me" now, is someone who doesn't really believe in anyone at all... Whatever one might say or do must be doubted by me beforehand, and until my head tells me that it is okay to go along, I wouldn't even believe anything till that moment comes. But sometimes I'd ignore what my head tells me... Sometimes I'd do the right thing, and in other cases, not.

Remember my previous post where I said I was offended by that friend? Well, today, we were talking happily again, playing with each other and so on... He's my really good friend and so I don't want to lose him as a friend... =)

In other cases, however, I don't think that I can be that forgiving... I hate it when people believe what other people told them, unnecessary bitch lies about me... They believed whatever shit that they have heard, and then changed their opinion about me. They refused/rejected to be my friend just because of what they are ASSUMING! God! Isn't that a foolish and stupendous thing to do? It's okay to listen, but why must you all make assumptions about them? Who are you to not let the victims have a say or anything? Is it just because you don't believe in them or because you don't think positive of them that you find it hard to give the victim a chance to explain him/herself?

Do you think that is fair towards the victim? How about if the situation is reversed? Would you like it if someone comes to you and assumed whatever he/she has just heard five minutes ago to be true and begin hurting you the way that you shouldn't have been treated as? I hate people who assume EVERY single fucking thing they heard to be true. From their "friends" who, oh-they-trust-so-much.

In my opinion, however, I'd rather let that someone think whatever shit they wanna think about me, but sometimes I'd have to admit that I am not that strong to endure every single bullet that they are shooting at me. Sometimes I want to be human as well; I want to bleed as well! I can't just act strong every time, especially when I have no one around me to support me when I fall down. I am not a robot or anything. I am human too, just like you readers, you haters, you whatevers... Stop hurting other people like you think you won't be hurt. Coz, what goes around, comes around, and when that happens, the effect would be multiple times more gravely than what you are doing others.

Oh, where have I wandered to? I am supposed to talk about "forgiveness", right? Sheesh... Too much personal experience + thoughts... really shouldn't have... =P

There are types of people, catergorized by me, and these people are, one, people who forgive everyone else easily, two, people who wants to be forgiven but is so stingy about forgiving other people. The third type of people are people who will forgive others as time goes by, but will require time. The time could take days, weeks, hours, blah blah blah, it could be longer or shorter, that's all.

To be continued coz I'm tired... (Slept early last night, woke up early as well... =P)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. MJ was 'assumed' by millions of ppl around the world for nearly 25 years...now when u think back on it, he really had a heart of gold...hmmm. He endured so much and yet continued to give back to society, even to those that spat at him. He is an inspiration...he endured so mush for such a long time yet never raises voice..hehe... x)
