Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year... Can I just skip the "Happy" part?

Yeah... stupid title, but it's from my heart... Happy New Year? Why don't it just be a "Your-life-is-gonna-continue-to-suck-this-year-and-there-is-nothing-you-can-do-about-it-because-you-suck New Year?" lol...

Anyway, to those of you who are optimistic, congratulations, and Happy New Year... :)

My Final Confessions... Part 3

The last and final part...

"When there are no customers around, it means I have a lot of time to think... And in my case, that is normally not a good thing... I will tend to overthink even... Dang I feel so useless... And it's only the second day of the year... =\

Sheesh Joey, just stop thinking about this, will you? =S


My Final Confessions... Part 2

And now, for Part 2...

"You know, I have gotten really fed up with staring at the phone, always hoping that someone will send me a text message... If ever you have a chance to check my phone's inbox, you'll see that 95% of my texts are from my mom... And she only can text me on weekends... How depressing isn't it? A teen having no one to text him... Well I'll think so even though you wouldn't agree... My life is just so, so depressing...

That is why I'm so eager to go back home... I need to be where I won't be hated that much... Perhaps I will only be missed when they will never see me again... They will miss having someone to tease, someone who is actually willing to spend his time for them... Someone who has done so much and has been neglected just as much as well...

I truly hope that things will be better for me this year... 2011... Don't disappoint me okay? If you wanna make my life suck, at least don't make it suck too bad okay? All I want is to smoothly sail through this long and rocky journey into the unknowns... =\"

My Final Confessions... (Part 1)

Okay, before I go to the main thing, let's just be clear with the fact that these things that I'm about to type down, I've thought of it during early in the morning. (Which got me into "emo" mode just because of thinking about them... ==)

Okay, so here goes...

"I've always greeted my friends when it's their birthday... Of all the greetings, yours is the hardest for me to do it because you don't know how much it hurts for me to pretend like everything is okay. I have considered not greeting you before, but let's just say that I'm dumb enough to think that maybe you would have changed your mind after so long... But nay... You're still the cold-hearted you that you are...

A part of me still hopes that you can change your mind and restart everything... But oh well... I've only 2 more weeks to go before I leave this place once and for all...

4 months ago I decided to stay in order to celebrate your birthday with you... I should stop thinking things will go smoothly for a couple of months... I have forgotten things, together with people, change...

I know for sure now that I was wrong when I told myself to stay... But thank goodness, I now have a job that I'm filling my head with so that I have an excuse, if any of you have even bothered to ask, when you guys wanna hang out...

It's funny how things have dramatically changed over a year... Last year when I knew so little about you, we celebrated your birthday and the new year together... And now, one year later, we've stopped contacting each other coz you can't stand me anymore...

Last year... You guys were one of my most important friends... But now, one year later, it is as if we have never even met before... How have things took its dramatic change so easily? And why? I think I know the answer... I just don't want to face it yet I guess... I don't know when will I ever be ready to do so even...

Two more weeks from now... In just two more weeks and you guys will never see me again... I'm still hoping that you guys will at least do something before I go... A hangout, a simple message wishing me well, a few good sentences about me... Anything will do...

And I will keep hoping until the moment I board the plane..."