So, i have finally changed my header picture... It was Lili before, and now I'm putting Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" picture...
This picture is very nice, and paparazzi is something i like...
Taking pictures of people and then post it in the internet, and make up stories... haha... I'm not that evil... hehehe
Hope u guys enjoy this picture...
And check out the video of the song as well, it has been filmed as a mini movie clip, and the theme of the video is the not-so-glamorous lifestyles of a super-star, and in this case, Miss Gaga herself...
go check it out... it's really nice... hehehe
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Can u believe it? i can't even think of a title for my blog...
i guess I'm too stressed to think about one, or too lazy to make up any other lame titles other than just that three black, round, circular dots...
anyways, updating the blog is something i guess i should do after all these days of stress... lol
this few weeks have been quite a very eventful slash unforgettable slash stressful week for me...
the most unforgettable one is the event where L.W has made one of my best friends here in Swinburne, S, so stressed out that she wanted to leave the campus just because of him... lol
i don't want to get into details, because i know there will be those who have their own conclusions of the story itself, and i don't want to argue with anyone anymore about anything that has to do with it... if u do not know the story, well, you don't have to anymore, because, i think, everything is settled... for now...
S will be leaving Swinburne for now, but she has confirmed that she'd be back next semester, in August, as our junior... knowing this fact a few days ago has made me happier by a little, but life here is getting more and more stressful (noticed how many times have i mentioned the word "stress" before this? it's six times... if I've counted wrongly then please forgive me... i am not in the mood to count; i just did so to relieve stress... but to no avail... lol)
due to S's incident in Swinburne, i got into a fight with L.W, which i think, is an "unmendable" argument where i don't think after the argument faded, any of us will be talking to each other anymore... lol...
i admit that during the argument i have mentioned quite a number of rude remarks, but you can't really blame someone who was hot-headed at that time right? both of us are angry as... i donno... words can't really describe how i felt that time...
but now that i have calmed down, i do realize that words that i typed to L.W in the facebook messages are not really who i am currently, but who i am when i am very angry... which means it is a part of me as well... just the dormant side... hahaha... lol
anyways... i don't think L.W and i will ever have anything to do with each other anymore... unless it's some kind of class group work in which both of us are unavoidably classified into the same group... then that's another story... lol
well... talking about another side of me, i realized that, when i came here, i have changed... yet again...
when i was in chung hua, i was so evil that people could've wished me dead... when i was in PJN, i was circled by a group of understanding best friends... and when i came here, i realized that i am not the person i was in PJN anymore...
i found out that i have now became, in one way or another, braver, and more... open-minded...
perhaps it's the experiences i have encountered here... they made me grow up instantaneously, forcing me to accept the fact that the world I'm in is no longer the same that i am living in while i was still in PJN...
in PJN, I'm still catered by my friends, my family and mostly everything... when I'm here, i found out that i am very vulnerable... if I'm not strong mentally/psychologically, i will lose the battle of this dog-eat-dog world...
no one beside u is ever safe enough... they can't be trusted, and they can't be relied on the way u relied on someone so strongly back in high school...
in high school, if you're down, u still have friends to help u get u back on your feet again... but in university, a place where all the others treat u like adults, no one would care if u fall; they themselves have tonnes of problems of their own already... they won't care if u have half a tonne of problem than them or two times the amount of stress compared to them...
they just won't care. they will never care unless they are inside the scenario as well, being one of the puppets of the show, being played around by the puppet master...
up until now i still think that i have no wrong in helping to defend S in L.W their case... some might say that it's none of my business... you're not involved in it... u shouldn't care that much...
but i think i cared that lot coz S is my best friend, like i mentioned earlier, and studying in PJN has really changed me... i could say that i am a 135 degree changed (not 180 coz I'm still who i am deep inside... hahaha... lol)... i am no longer as impatient as i was before... (the times when i got angry i was only pretending... lol... don't really have the need to get angry lah... hahahaa... sorry, Michael... lol)
i became, in a way, more mature, when i was in PJN, and when I'm here in Swinburne i realized that maturity is still far from required here... lol
i want to be a person that everyone respects... that has been my own personal life goal but i know it's impossible... coz no matter how respected i am, I'll still have those haters who'll sneak behind me and back stab me when I'm not aware...
i do not want to make enemies with anyone, i just want to make peace with everyone out there, but seems like there will always be someone (in every corner of the world), trying to destroy peace within humanity, by talking behind people's back, cursing non-stop about irrelevant things... blah the bloody blah blah...
i do admit that i do talk behind people's back, but i only do that if i really can't stand that person's behaviour... if that person is someone good, I'll never have the nerves or the bravery to talk behind them... i mean, they did nothing to me, so why should they be talked about?
if i want to talk behind people's back, I'd rather be the one who's giving opinions other than being those who started the conversation...
i know people will disagree with me when they read until this part, but to tell the truth, that's just who i am... i don't like to talk behind people's back as it is nasty and idiotic...
okay, people may say that i am talking behind people's back non-stop or whatever, but hey, let me remind u that i am just a heavily-flawed human being who makes mistakes...
the only problem with me, even though i know where my mistakes are, is that i don't really learn from my lesson... i would always regret doing something, but then, after a short period of time (or it could be longer, depends on what the mistake is... lol), I'll repeat the same mistake again because there hasn't been anyone nearby to constantly remind me of the consequences...
i do admit that i am very soft-eared, i listen and trust people easily, and that is a bad thing, but i still make that same mistake again and again... it's like there's no more cure to this "sickness"...
anyway... i seriously need someone to point my mistakes out to me when i did something wrong and i appear to be so ignorant about it... sometimes I'm trying to evade the truth, sometimes I'm running away from the responsibilities, but most of the times it's just because i have no idea at all why i am wrong... so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just help to correct me when I'm wrong...
i am, as i said earlier, just a human being, and i do not live my seventeen years of life without making mistakes... i made them, learnt from them (sometimes... lol), and grew from them...
life without mistakes isn't life... it's a lie.
i guess I'm too stressed to think about one, or too lazy to make up any other lame titles other than just that three black, round, circular dots...
anyways, updating the blog is something i guess i should do after all these days of stress... lol
this few weeks have been quite a very eventful slash unforgettable slash stressful week for me...
the most unforgettable one is the event where L.W has made one of my best friends here in Swinburne, S, so stressed out that she wanted to leave the campus just because of him... lol
i don't want to get into details, because i know there will be those who have their own conclusions of the story itself, and i don't want to argue with anyone anymore about anything that has to do with it... if u do not know the story, well, you don't have to anymore, because, i think, everything is settled... for now...
S will be leaving Swinburne for now, but she has confirmed that she'd be back next semester, in August, as our junior... knowing this fact a few days ago has made me happier by a little, but life here is getting more and more stressful (noticed how many times have i mentioned the word "stress" before this? it's six times... if I've counted wrongly then please forgive me... i am not in the mood to count; i just did so to relieve stress... but to no avail... lol)
due to S's incident in Swinburne, i got into a fight with L.W, which i think, is an "unmendable" argument where i don't think after the argument faded, any of us will be talking to each other anymore... lol...
i admit that during the argument i have mentioned quite a number of rude remarks, but you can't really blame someone who was hot-headed at that time right? both of us are angry as... i donno... words can't really describe how i felt that time...
but now that i have calmed down, i do realize that words that i typed to L.W in the facebook messages are not really who i am currently, but who i am when i am very angry... which means it is a part of me as well... just the dormant side... hahaha... lol
anyways... i don't think L.W and i will ever have anything to do with each other anymore... unless it's some kind of class group work in which both of us are unavoidably classified into the same group... then that's another story... lol
well... talking about another side of me, i realized that, when i came here, i have changed... yet again...
when i was in chung hua, i was so evil that people could've wished me dead... when i was in PJN, i was circled by a group of understanding best friends... and when i came here, i realized that i am not the person i was in PJN anymore...
i found out that i have now became, in one way or another, braver, and more... open-minded...
perhaps it's the experiences i have encountered here... they made me grow up instantaneously, forcing me to accept the fact that the world I'm in is no longer the same that i am living in while i was still in PJN...
in PJN, I'm still catered by my friends, my family and mostly everything... when I'm here, i found out that i am very vulnerable... if I'm not strong mentally/psychologically, i will lose the battle of this dog-eat-dog world...
no one beside u is ever safe enough... they can't be trusted, and they can't be relied on the way u relied on someone so strongly back in high school...
in high school, if you're down, u still have friends to help u get u back on your feet again... but in university, a place where all the others treat u like adults, no one would care if u fall; they themselves have tonnes of problems of their own already... they won't care if u have half a tonne of problem than them or two times the amount of stress compared to them...
they just won't care. they will never care unless they are inside the scenario as well, being one of the puppets of the show, being played around by the puppet master...
up until now i still think that i have no wrong in helping to defend S in L.W their case... some might say that it's none of my business... you're not involved in it... u shouldn't care that much...
but i think i cared that lot coz S is my best friend, like i mentioned earlier, and studying in PJN has really changed me... i could say that i am a 135 degree changed (not 180 coz I'm still who i am deep inside... hahaha... lol)... i am no longer as impatient as i was before... (the times when i got angry i was only pretending... lol... don't really have the need to get angry lah... hahahaa... sorry, Michael... lol)
i became, in a way, more mature, when i was in PJN, and when I'm here in Swinburne i realized that maturity is still far from required here... lol
i want to be a person that everyone respects... that has been my own personal life goal but i know it's impossible... coz no matter how respected i am, I'll still have those haters who'll sneak behind me and back stab me when I'm not aware...
i do not want to make enemies with anyone, i just want to make peace with everyone out there, but seems like there will always be someone (in every corner of the world), trying to destroy peace within humanity, by talking behind people's back, cursing non-stop about irrelevant things... blah the bloody blah blah...
i do admit that i do talk behind people's back, but i only do that if i really can't stand that person's behaviour... if that person is someone good, I'll never have the nerves or the bravery to talk behind them... i mean, they did nothing to me, so why should they be talked about?
if i want to talk behind people's back, I'd rather be the one who's giving opinions other than being those who started the conversation...
i know people will disagree with me when they read until this part, but to tell the truth, that's just who i am... i don't like to talk behind people's back as it is nasty and idiotic...
okay, people may say that i am talking behind people's back non-stop or whatever, but hey, let me remind u that i am just a heavily-flawed human being who makes mistakes...
the only problem with me, even though i know where my mistakes are, is that i don't really learn from my lesson... i would always regret doing something, but then, after a short period of time (or it could be longer, depends on what the mistake is... lol), I'll repeat the same mistake again because there hasn't been anyone nearby to constantly remind me of the consequences...
i do admit that i am very soft-eared, i listen and trust people easily, and that is a bad thing, but i still make that same mistake again and again... it's like there's no more cure to this "sickness"...
anyway... i seriously need someone to point my mistakes out to me when i did something wrong and i appear to be so ignorant about it... sometimes I'm trying to evade the truth, sometimes I'm running away from the responsibilities, but most of the times it's just because i have no idea at all why i am wrong... so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just help to correct me when I'm wrong...
i am, as i said earlier, just a human being, and i do not live my seventeen years of life without making mistakes... i made them, learnt from them (sometimes... lol), and grew from them...
life without mistakes isn't life... it's a lie.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Close Call + Wat The Heck Is Wrong With Today?
first of all, welcome back. hahaha... lol
it's been quite awhile since i last blogged, and i kinda missed blogging...
over the past few days i was so angry+annoyed with one person, who claims himself to be MCR, and he types in a way that is so annoying that i literally gave up in trying to talk sense into him...
then this week was a busy week coz thursday, 14th may, i have had an EMA quiz, which was easier than i thought, coz i seriously thought it to be so hard that i couldn't even score one percent, but turns out i can more-or-less do the questions... hehehe
and today, on the 16th, i went through a Physics test, which i had no confidence at all before i did the questions, but turns out again, it was easier... hahaha... lol
not tryin'a to brag or anything, but i just think that i can pass both tests... hopefully the hope do come true... hehehe... lol
okay... now let's get into my topic for today... CRAP!
thing goes like this... everything was a-okay before the physics test, and things started to change at around 2.20pm... lol..
well, it was nothing, actually, since i've experienced such things before, but this is my first time in kuching that i have been in such accident...
which is... falling into the drain and injured myself... hahahahaha... lol
i have had a couple of scraps and a clotted, swollen wound... hahaha... lol
my right leg was in so much pain that i could barely stand just now... but i told myself to keep going on, because it's just a small thing... that i'll heal and so... lol
and then i went to The Spring.
i accompanied Sonia there, and we ate (well, she ate)... when we were in the entrance the second disaster (personal) happened...
i was nearly ran down by an "invisible" motorcycle... hahaha... lol
the thing is that, i didn't see any incoming vehicles moving at high speed, and so i just crossed... but then again, something told me to stop, which i did, and just miliseconds after i stopped, a motorcycle sped accross me, just centimeters away from me...
cool, huh??
it's been quite awhile since i last blogged, and i kinda missed blogging...
over the past few days i was so angry+annoyed with one person, who claims himself to be MCR, and he types in a way that is so annoying that i literally gave up in trying to talk sense into him...
then this week was a busy week coz thursday, 14th may, i have had an EMA quiz, which was easier than i thought, coz i seriously thought it to be so hard that i couldn't even score one percent, but turns out i can more-or-less do the questions... hehehe
and today, on the 16th, i went through a Physics test, which i had no confidence at all before i did the questions, but turns out again, it was easier... hahaha... lol
not tryin'a to brag or anything, but i just think that i can pass both tests... hopefully the hope do come true... hehehe... lol
okay... now let's get into my topic for today... CRAP!
thing goes like this... everything was a-okay before the physics test, and things started to change at around 2.20pm... lol..
well, it was nothing, actually, since i've experienced such things before, but this is my first time in kuching that i have been in such accident...
which is... falling into the drain and injured myself... hahahahaha... lol
i have had a couple of scraps and a clotted, swollen wound... hahaha... lol
my right leg was in so much pain that i could barely stand just now... but i told myself to keep going on, because it's just a small thing... that i'll heal and so... lol
and then i went to The Spring.
i accompanied Sonia there, and we ate (well, she ate)... when we were in the entrance the second disaster (personal) happened...
i was nearly ran down by an "invisible" motorcycle... hahaha... lol
the thing is that, i didn't see any incoming vehicles moving at high speed, and so i just crossed... but then again, something told me to stop, which i did, and just miliseconds after i stopped, a motorcycle sped accross me, just centimeters away from me...
cool, huh??
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day, mum! it's the first year i'm not able to celebrate it with u, and so i hope u can forgive me...
i love u mum. can't wait to see u in july... hhahaha... =P
it is because of u that i am able to be typing this post out for everyone to see. without u, i am nothing... sorry if i wasn't able to send u texts frequently, and u urself know why... hahaha... lol
i love u mum... i really do..
hope u have a blast... hahaha.....
i love u mum. can't wait to see u in july... hhahaha... =P
it is because of u that i am able to be typing this post out for everyone to see. without u, i am nothing... sorry if i wasn't able to send u texts frequently, and u urself know why... hahaha... lol
i love u mum... i really do..
hope u have a blast... hahaha.....
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
okay, so have u been in a point of ur life that something really ridiculous happened? and u do not understand why?
such thing happened to me just about 10 minutes ago.
my friend's sister is having her birthday today and so, as a friend (well, an acquaintance, actually), i sent her a text wishing her a happy birthday.
at first, wishing her a happy birthday through a text message is never in my mind. i told my friend to wish her a happy birthday on behalf of me. but my friend asked me to text her instead. well, thinking that it may be a good idea, i agreed.
when i texted her, she replied, saying thank u and wished me all the best. and so as a knee-jerk effect, i relied, saying thanks.
the next thing i know, she called her brother, who is my friend, and more-or-less said (i don't know coz i couldn't hear) "who's that man who texted me just now? celaka that lelaki ah!"
and when i heard that i straightaway went numb. how could she be like that? that is so wrong! does she have a personality split or something? how can she just texted me saying thank u, wish u all the best, and the next few minutes talk behind my back?
i feel SO f-ing angry just now but he (my friend) told me not to think too much about it as she is one of such character.
if i knew she was such a b i wouldn't have sent that msg at all! what a waste of credit and time. if only i knew i would rather just kept my mouth shut, and don't wish her anything at all...
if only i knew.
great! now because of that girl my mood is COMPLETELY spoilt.
btw, i'm not mad at my friend... i just need to like let it go. and the way i can do so is by typing it out... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
such thing happened to me just about 10 minutes ago.
my friend's sister is having her birthday today and so, as a friend (well, an acquaintance, actually), i sent her a text wishing her a happy birthday.
at first, wishing her a happy birthday through a text message is never in my mind. i told my friend to wish her a happy birthday on behalf of me. but my friend asked me to text her instead. well, thinking that it may be a good idea, i agreed.
when i texted her, she replied, saying thank u and wished me all the best. and so as a knee-jerk effect, i relied, saying thanks.
the next thing i know, she called her brother, who is my friend, and more-or-less said (i don't know coz i couldn't hear) "who's that man who texted me just now? celaka that lelaki ah!"
and when i heard that i straightaway went numb. how could she be like that? that is so wrong! does she have a personality split or something? how can she just texted me saying thank u, wish u all the best, and the next few minutes talk behind my back?
i feel SO f-ing angry just now but he (my friend) told me not to think too much about it as she is one of such character.
if i knew she was such a b i wouldn't have sent that msg at all! what a waste of credit and time. if only i knew i would rather just kept my mouth shut, and don't wish her anything at all...
if only i knew.
great! now because of that girl my mood is COMPLETELY spoilt.
btw, i'm not mad at my friend... i just need to like let it go. and the way i can do so is by typing it out... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagged By Joanne... =)
Upload your fave picture and answer the question below:

Why did you choose the photo?
Gimme a reason why not to love it... =)
When was the last time you ate pizza?
i can't remember...
The last song you've listened to?
poker face - lady gaga... Mamamama
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
facebooking, being in class, listening to ppl talking around me... blah blah blah...
Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Eh, hey, oi, wey, and some other more...
Tag 6 person, the following questions are related to them.
1) Joanne
2) Kelvin Chung
3) Sonia Tje
4) Louis
5) Carlson Kueh
6) Lawrence Wong
Who is number 1?
My Secretary Who Is Addicted To Someone With The Name Of A City... Hmm.....
No.3 has a relationship with?
No Idea... Hmm....
Say something about number 5.
Very Horny...
How about number 4?
Addicted To Facebook... Hmm....
Who is number 2?
My Childhood Friend... =)
Say something to number 6.
Very Lazy... =)

Why did you choose the photo?
Gimme a reason why not to love it... =)
When was the last time you ate pizza?
i can't remember...
The last song you've listened to?
poker face - lady gaga... Mamamama
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
facebooking, being in class, listening to ppl talking around me... blah blah blah...
Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Eh, hey, oi, wey, and some other more...
Tag 6 person, the following questions are related to them.
1) Joanne
2) Kelvin Chung
3) Sonia Tje
4) Louis
5) Carlson Kueh
6) Lawrence Wong
Who is number 1?
My Secretary Who Is Addicted To Someone With The Name Of A City... Hmm.....
No.3 has a relationship with?
No Idea... Hmm....
Say something about number 5.
Very Horny...
How about number 4?
Addicted To Facebook... Hmm....
Who is number 2?
My Childhood Friend... =)
Say something to number 6.
Very Lazy... =)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Eventful yesterday (kinda)
okay, hello, everyone... as usual, i haven't been updating my blog for days now, and so i might wanna update y'all on what i have been doing... yesterday. coz i have already forgotten wat i have been doing for the past few days, so don't ask me. hahaha... lol
okay, yesterday was a very meaningful and yet tiring day for me. first, i slept at 2.30am, then woke up at 5.30am... wow, that's only 3 hours of sleep! hahahaha.... =D
well, the reason for staying up late was because of... well... chit-chatting... hahaha... and the reason for waking up early was because i have to get myself ready by 6.30am.
wat for u ask? well, the answer is that at 6.30am, i was to ride in joanne's car to a place called PERKATA... hahaha...
there i was the organizer of one sales campaign... in the name of Leo Club. but then again, i cannot really consider myself the organizer coz i didn't really do anything at all... all i ever did was handing the proposal, in which wasn't prepared by me, to the committee for them to sign... lol... i feel a little guilty... and so i told myself that no matter how hard it is, i have to do well during the sales as a way to repay my colleagues who have sacrificed their time for me. and the sales of course... hahaha... =P
the perkata sales is a charity sale which is 100% non-profitable to ourselves (the club). what i mean is that all of our earnings, no matter how much, will go to perkata fully. we're not allowed to keep even a cent. lol... hahaha...
despite this, i knew that i am actually doing something good and hopefully this is recorded in my "good deeds" form... hahaha... lol...
at here, i would like to thank SUFI a billion times for being able to make it to the sales to help out. coz, marion and victor departed from my airport. if u get wat i mean... hahaha... lol
and then i would like to thank danny, maxxbie, joanne, darrel, and those who helped out but i never knew the names to... hehehe...
and after the perkata sales, i just slothed myself in my room for the whole day, sleeping, waking up, surfed the internet for awhile, slept again... the surfed the net again... hahaha... lol
that night we went to The Spring to have dinner... wow... my meal was like... so full!!! i kept on feeling like i was about to throw up any second soon... hahaha...
i ordered carrot cake (which is so salty i swear i could've damaged my kidney badly... T____T) and a bowl of sesame whatever-u-call-it, and it comes with a sago honeydew dessert... Ahh..... it tastes SO FREAKING NICE!!! HAHAHA... am so gonna order them again. not the carrot cake, of course... hahaha... lol
after meal, we headed to Ta Kiong to buy our necessary needs, whatever u wanna call it... hahaha... lol
there i met with kelvin and gang, and i just waved, coz i was in a hurry (thanks to my sis... tch) and wasn't able to greet him a happy birthday personally... hahaha... lol...
oh, yeah! kelvin! happy birthday!!! hahaha... lol... well, since i'm talking about yesterday then this birthday greeting is supposed to be for yesterday also... hahaha... lol
after coming back from The Spring, i went back to my room and well, u know, surf the net again... hahaha... lol
it was i think at around 10pm or 11pm when lawrence sent me a txt msg, haha, saying that there is an accident along the bridge near King Center... hahaha... lol
feeling so kepoh, i quickly dashed out from my room, and rushed to the scene, but i have no freaking idea whatsoever where the scene was... so stupid... haahha.... lol
i met with lawrence at the uni entrance, and managed to persuade him to accompany me to the scene... hehehe... and i even persuaded him to record down wat we saw in a video... hahaha... go check it out!!! it's already in facebook... hahaha... lol... i haven't seen it tho, it's lawrence's video, he recorded and uploaded it, not me... hahaha... lol
anyway, i'll post u the link right here... hahaha... lol
hahaha... lol... i do record something as well, but then i don't think it's of any good quality or whatsoever... hahaha... lol
and i did take pictures, and i think most of u would think, "what the heck is he trying to take?"... hahaha... lol
hmmm.... i guess that's it for now lah... hahaha... it's a very tiring day afterall... can't really remember everything that i did or say... hahaha... lol
so, until then, this has been Joey The Only...
[Joey] XOXO, Gossip Girl... U know u love me... hahaha
okay, yesterday was a very meaningful and yet tiring day for me. first, i slept at 2.30am, then woke up at 5.30am... wow, that's only 3 hours of sleep! hahahaha.... =D
well, the reason for staying up late was because of... well... chit-chatting... hahaha... and the reason for waking up early was because i have to get myself ready by 6.30am.
wat for u ask? well, the answer is that at 6.30am, i was to ride in joanne's car to a place called PERKATA... hahaha...
there i was the organizer of one sales campaign... in the name of Leo Club. but then again, i cannot really consider myself the organizer coz i didn't really do anything at all... all i ever did was handing the proposal, in which wasn't prepared by me, to the committee for them to sign... lol... i feel a little guilty... and so i told myself that no matter how hard it is, i have to do well during the sales as a way to repay my colleagues who have sacrificed their time for me. and the sales of course... hahaha... =P
the perkata sales is a charity sale which is 100% non-profitable to ourselves (the club). what i mean is that all of our earnings, no matter how much, will go to perkata fully. we're not allowed to keep even a cent. lol... hahaha...
despite this, i knew that i am actually doing something good and hopefully this is recorded in my "good deeds" form... hahaha... lol...
at here, i would like to thank SUFI a billion times for being able to make it to the sales to help out. coz, marion and victor departed from my airport. if u get wat i mean... hahaha... lol
and then i would like to thank danny, maxxbie, joanne, darrel, and those who helped out but i never knew the names to... hehehe...
and after the perkata sales, i just slothed myself in my room for the whole day, sleeping, waking up, surfed the internet for awhile, slept again... the surfed the net again... hahaha... lol
that night we went to The Spring to have dinner... wow... my meal was like... so full!!! i kept on feeling like i was about to throw up any second soon... hahaha...
i ordered carrot cake (which is so salty i swear i could've damaged my kidney badly... T____T) and a bowl of sesame whatever-u-call-it, and it comes with a sago honeydew dessert... Ahh..... it tastes SO FREAKING NICE!!! HAHAHA... am so gonna order them again. not the carrot cake, of course... hahaha... lol
after meal, we headed to Ta Kiong to buy our necessary needs, whatever u wanna call it... hahaha... lol
there i met with kelvin and gang, and i just waved, coz i was in a hurry (thanks to my sis... tch) and wasn't able to greet him a happy birthday personally... hahaha... lol...
oh, yeah! kelvin! happy birthday!!! hahaha... lol... well, since i'm talking about yesterday then this birthday greeting is supposed to be for yesterday also... hahaha... lol
after coming back from The Spring, i went back to my room and well, u know, surf the net again... hahaha... lol
it was i think at around 10pm or 11pm when lawrence sent me a txt msg, haha, saying that there is an accident along the bridge near King Center... hahaha... lol
feeling so kepoh, i quickly dashed out from my room, and rushed to the scene, but i have no freaking idea whatsoever where the scene was... so stupid... haahha.... lol
i met with lawrence at the uni entrance, and managed to persuade him to accompany me to the scene... hehehe... and i even persuaded him to record down wat we saw in a video... hahaha... go check it out!!! it's already in facebook... hahaha... lol... i haven't seen it tho, it's lawrence's video, he recorded and uploaded it, not me... hahaha... lol
anyway, i'll post u the link right here... hahaha... lol
hahaha... lol... i do record something as well, but then i don't think it's of any good quality or whatsoever... hahaha... lol
and i did take pictures, and i think most of u would think, "what the heck is he trying to take?"... hahaha... lol
hmmm.... i guess that's it for now lah... hahaha... it's a very tiring day afterall... can't really remember everything that i did or say... hahaha... lol
so, until then, this has been Joey The Only...
[Joey] XOXO, Gossip Girl... U know u love me... hahaha
Friday, May 1, 2009
I love this! my roommate is gone for the next few days, and so that means i can feel normal for at least 3 or 4 days...
i'm not particularly close with him, and we don't talk, which is kinda weird, coz roommates are supposed to help each other but in his case, it's a different story... (watever)...
tch... watever... i don't wanna think about him... he's just so... (i don wanna say it in case there's someone else reading this... lol) and yeah, it just stays like that. full stop.
so... yesterday has been another day which i hadn't seen my MCR at all... despite Joanne keeps on bragging about being able to see MCR for 2 times... =(
so sad... i wanna see MCR but i can't... why??? i'm not going to see MCR at all for yesterday, one day, today, 2 days, saturday, 3 days, sunday, 4 days, and i never see MCR on mondays... which makes it 5 days!!! OMG!!! it's nearly a whole freaking week!!! it's so freaking TORTURING!!! ARGH!!! i feel like screaming my lungs out... lol
sigh... i'm getting more and more obssessed... i know...
but what else can i do? nothing, i assume... lol
i'm not particularly close with him, and we don't talk, which is kinda weird, coz roommates are supposed to help each other but in his case, it's a different story... (watever)...
tch... watever... i don't wanna think about him... he's just so... (i don wanna say it in case there's someone else reading this... lol) and yeah, it just stays like that. full stop.
so... yesterday has been another day which i hadn't seen my MCR at all... despite Joanne keeps on bragging about being able to see MCR for 2 times... =(
so sad... i wanna see MCR but i can't... why??? i'm not going to see MCR at all for yesterday, one day, today, 2 days, saturday, 3 days, sunday, 4 days, and i never see MCR on mondays... which makes it 5 days!!! OMG!!! it's nearly a whole freaking week!!! it's so freaking TORTURING!!! ARGH!!! i feel like screaming my lungs out... lol
sigh... i'm getting more and more obssessed... i know...
but what else can i do? nothing, i assume... lol
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