Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tagged By Joanne... =)

Upload your fave picture and answer the question below:

Why did you choose the photo?
Gimme a reason why not to love it... =)

When was the last time you ate pizza?
i can't remember...

The last song you've listened to?

poker face - lady gaga... Mamamama

What are you doing besides answering this tag?

facebooking, being in class, listening to ppl talking around me... blah blah blah...

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Eh, hey, oi, wey, and some other more...

Tag 6 person, the following questions are related to them.
2) Kelvin Chung
3) Sonia Tje
4) Louis
5) Carlson Kueh

6) Lawrence Wong

Who is number 1?
My Secretary Who Is Addicted To Someone With The Name Of A City... Hmm.....

No.3 has a relationship with?
No Idea... Hmm....

Say something about number 5.
Very Horny...

How about number 4?
Addicted To Facebook... Hmm....

Who is number 2?
My Childhood Friend... =)

Say something to number 6.
Very Lazy... =)


  1. So kepo.. I sure ignore you if i see such msg. Care so much. Wth

  2. who the heck are you? lol... stop being anonymous! it's annoying!

  3. @Anonymous a.k.a. Annoymous:So kepo...... Ask u dun comment liao stil wan comment.....
