Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Waking up early...

So here's the thing. I've slept at around 8.45pm last night. Coz I was just too damn tired. ==

I was doing my EMB exercise when I suddenly felt like sleeping. And so I just shoved the exercises to the side, took off my specs and slept.

I woke up at 1.13am or something like that, and it was him telling me to wake up. Hehe... I thought it was already 7am or something, you know? I suddenly opened my eyes and looked at my watch. Grumbling, I slept again.

And... this time I was crying when I woke up again. At 4 something am. In my dream, I was with my mum, whom I missed dearly, and we were talking as if we're about to separate or something. I was crying my heart out and so was she...

I opened my teary eyes and looked at the watch. Sighing, I shrugged the dream away and slept again.

My alarm went off and I woke up for the third time today. Boy, am I tired? Hell yes, I am. ==

Lalalalala... I don't know why I'd just wake up EVERY single day at 4+am... =\

I'm tired and I wanna sleep!!! =(

Grr... Whatever lar... I think it's to prepare myself for 7am... hehehe... =)

Weehoo! Tomorrow will be SDC's Club Recruitment! 8.30am to 4.30pm. Since I have got no classes tomorrow, I think I'll be sitting there from 8.30am until 4.30pm. With occasional breaks, of course. It's not like you don't know I DON'T have the stamina to stay still for fifteen minutes... Don't say hours even... ==

Hahaha... can't wait for tomorrow! I hope there'll be lots of people joining SDC~ =)

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