Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reasons I Despise Smokers

This post that I'm going to type here would be offensive to some of the readers out there, especially the smokers, but heck, like I give a damn. I have a right to type. These hands, are mine. =)

Okay, so the story begins...

Just now as I was having my dinner in Da Light of King Center, I saw something... disturbing to me...

And that's the reason I'm typing this now, coz I really am annoyed by what I saw...

And the thing I saw was a 13 year old kid lighting a cigarette.

His age was just a guess of mine, and I can't be correct for sure. And I knew his age because of his voice. The "I-have-just-started-my-puberty-and-my-voice-sounds-like-a-drag-queen" voice of his seriously gave it away. What's more importantly sick was that beside him was a four/five-year old girl. Who was standing just a mere 5 metre away from him. Damn.

I may not like kids, but for crying out loud, they are too young to die! Don't you think?

People these days are seriously... out of their mind...

I wonder what these people are thinking before they smoke. What makes them smoke I wonder too...

Passive Smoking kills, and I don't think people are actually aware of this. It's okay if you wanna smoke, that's your own choice, but at least go somewhere remote where there wasn't anyone near you please?

Do you guys know that the chances of getting cancer is higher in a passive smoker? Do you guys even know what passive smoking is? Passive smoking, also known as second-hand smoking, happens when one person is smoking and you're inhaling (breathing in) the smoke that has been exhaled (breathed out) by a smoker.

And we don't have a choice you know? We can't choose to not breathe in the damn smoke that you've breathed out.

And what happens when we die from cancer because of the passive smoking we've gone through? You still go on with your life, completely unaware of your actions and still going on living the guiltless life of yours.

Smoking near a person makes no difference from murdering someone. You are contributing into a person's death, and that makes you a murderer. ==

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