Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Happy~~

Alright. In case you people don't know, I'm now out of my emo days and I'm totally happy now. =)

Today is a fun day... Started with me waking up at 0:04am due to stomach ache and came out about forty minutes later. Mwahahahahahahahahaha~~~ XDDD

After that, I tried to sleep, but I couldn't, and so I turned on my laptop (which was just on top of my desk) and opened my Acoustica.

The day before, I was listening to Ke$ha's "Blah Blah Blah", which features 3Oh!3. (Weird names for both performers... ==) And straight after the song ended came Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance". And that gave me an idea when mixing my new song.

I spent about 1 hour or so mixing the song, and by 2.12am I went to bed. The song was still under process, and I'm now currently thinking of what should come next... sigh~

But I couldn't sleep and I remembered rolling on the bed until 3am before finally sleeping soundly...

I woke up mysteriously at around 4 or 6 am like that, and I continued sleeping until 9.27am before I finally woke up and took my shower before reaching Swinburne at 10.17am. Wee~

I was in the library with Andy until about 11.40am, before we went up to the Open Lab for our Facebooking session. Left at around 12.15pm for G Block because I had an SDC meeting about 15 minutes later. Met with Jude, and talked for a little while...

I finally (repeat: finally) have Evan's number (through Jude) and the meeting began at around 12.32pm. Melissa, Sin Chai, Evan & I were the only ones present in the room while Adeline & Jessie were eating their lunch. ==

The meeting wasn't anything actually... But, it's going to be an important event in SDC's calendar. The meeting ended at around 1pm, where I stayed with Adeline & Jessie until 1.24pm. (coz they wanted to practice their dance for a little while)

Went down to Manna Zone to have my lunch and saw Evan, Ivanna & Clement sitting there as well and we chatted while me and Clement ate. Oh, man. The Kampung Nasi Goreng is so freaking fulfilling!!! I even ordered a large cup of 100 Plus to further kill my stomach. Mwahahaha...

But! I am thankful of my fulfilling meal... =))))

At around 2.20pm, we went to the MPH to get ready for their practice. Ivanna had gone back, I assumed, coz I couldn't see her anymore after that. They started practice at around 2.40pm like that, and while waiting for them to come, I showed Evan & Clement the incomplete mix that I have done during midnight and they were impressed. Although... I don't really like how I mixed it... I mean... It does sound nice, but... I feel there will be a difficulty in choreographing the song.

Oh well, we'll see how things go. =)

After their practice, I went to Manna Zone again to buy a small container of Tauhu Hua for RM2.20. EXPENSIVE, if you ask me... But, I met with Sonia and we ate that container of Tau-hueh together and we split the bill. =P

And now, I'm with Sonia, and we're in the Open Lab... I'm still thinking of what song should come next after Britney's "3"... =\

lalalalalalala~~~ At least I'm no longer emo liao. =)

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